Benchmark your sales performance
Gain a deeper, more powerful insight into the strengths, weaknesses and opportunities for your sales team, to drive continuous improvement and performance.
Sales performance is integral to the success of any business.
Sales are the ultimate source of revenue for your company. They play a significant role in driving growth, increasing market share and helping your business withstand economic shocks and uncertainties. When your sales team functions like a well-oiled machine, it moves your business forward. When it’s not, your whole business can suffer.
The Smart BRG SmartAudit sales benchmarking survey can give you a deeper understanding of your sales performance, so you can quickly identify and address any issues that are holding your business back.
How it works
What is the SmartAudit Survey?
The SmartAudit is a sales benchmarking survey that analyses key sales performance factors not covered by many CRM or financial systems and not usually identified during a typical financial due diligence audit.
It looks at a wide range of factors that can hold sales performance back, including skills and knowledge, sales methodologies, processes and procedures, technology, enablement and much more. It’s designed around a proven sales capability maturity methodology, which gives a deeper, more precise, and more powerful insight into the key drivers of sales performance than any standard ‘health check’ questionnaire.
It generates user-friendly performance reports, benchmark results, feedback and graphs to help you understand the data and the issues, along with expert analysis and recommendations to help you identify and implement potential improvements and priority actions.
A standard, in-depth audit during a due-diligence exercise or initial fact-finding for a business owner or sales leader normally takes a significant amount of time. With a SmartAudit, you can get this insight quickly – often within days – and start implementing the actions needed straight away, to improve your sales performance and increase your revenue.
Proven sales benefits
Why choose a SmartAudit survey?
The SmartAudit gives valuable insight into the strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for improving your sales team within days, rather than weeks or months.
This ability to quickly analyse sales performance across your entire organisation is essential in helping you to understand and share best practices. The BRG SmartAudit offers the following benefits:
- In-depth understanding of key sales strengths and weaknesses
- Faster decision-making
- Increased sales efficiencies
- Greater revenue and profit
- Faster performance improvement
- Reduced cost

The options
Choose your SmartAudit
We offer three levels of service with the SmartAudit proposition. Simply choose from the following options:
Do it yourself
We set up the SmartAudit for your company to run. Once completed, we’ll generate a simplified report complete with the benchmark index, performance graphs and a summary for each section showing what good should look like. You and your team can then use the report to determine what actions are and priorities are necessary to improve your sales performance.
Do it with you
With this option, we’ll set up the audit and run it with you, providing greater analysis and interpretation of the strengths and weaknesses against sales best practice. We then configure the data and findings into in-depth reports, with suggestions about what factors might be causing poor performance in each critical area and how they should be addressed.
Do it for you
We’ll take care of the entire SmartAudit for you with this option. Our team of expert consultants will provide more direct engagement when analysing the results. We’ll also provide a roadmap for recovery together with monitored improvement actions. This service also includes the opportunity to add more customer-specific performance criteria if required, for even deeper insight.
Work with us
Why Smart BRG?
At Smart BRG, we combine business expertise and technical insight with a pragmatic approach to solving problems to create new ways of improving long-term business growth, transforming your commercial performance and maximising the return on your investment in our services.
We’ve perfected a systematic approach to sales auditing, planning, process design and people development. It allows us to rapidly evaluate your situation, identify and embrace growth opportunities and bring ideas to life.
We believe in equipping your business with the knowledge, tools and skills you need for long-term success.
Everything we do is underpinned by expert knowledge and extensive experience – we take a proven approach to achieving extraordinary sales growth.
To find out more about how we can help, give us a call today.